The Road to Hampden - Celebrating 20 Years of the PST

The full Stage show is available as well as backstage Interviews with those involved.

-- Celebrating 20 years of the PST : Interviews £ 2.00
Both Videos:
-- Celebrating 20 years of the PST : Stage Show and Interviews £ 7.00
Our thanks go to Pars TV for their filming and editing of the event and the sound engineers of the Carnegie hall.
Follow the links below to buy your stream. Viewers discretion advised with infrequent strong language throughout.
You must purchase using the same email address as you use to either login or create your ParsTV account. Therefore you may wish to login to Pars TV before purchasing in order to confirm your username and password in their system.
Once paid, the video can be viewed at
Card payment
Celebrating 20 years of the PST : Stage Show £ 5.00
Celebrating 20 years of the PST : Interviews £ 2.00
Celebrating 20 years of the PST : Stage Show and Interviews £ 7.00